Some offerings are clearly services like enjoyment of movie, art exhibition or an athletic event. The spectrum of services range between the degree of intangibility and tangibility of the offerings delivered to the user. Services are created through a direct interaction between the service provider and the customers. In marketing, services marketing essentially deals with the products, which are intangible in nature. Although according to Philip Kotler, besides goods and services, a marketer also markets eight other entities like Events, Experiences, Persons, Places, Properties, Organizations, Information and Ideas yet it is generally clubbed together and is widely known as goods and services. Marketing, on the whole, can be divided into goods marketing and services marketing. Service: Definitions, Concept, Characteristics, Importance, Classification and the Customer Service Gap Model Service – Meaning and Definitions Some of the tangible services where both the goods and services are provided to the customer, like restaurants and supermarkets, also come under the purview of the services marketing. This includes the business of all intangible services delivered to the customer.

‘Services are economic activities that create value and provide benefits for customers at specific times and places as a result of bringing about a desired change in – or on behalf of – the recipient of the service.’ – Christopher LovelockĪ service business is one in which the perceived value of the offering to the buyer is determined largely by the services provided to him than the products offered. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.’ – Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong ‘A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another, which is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.